Color utilities





Background colors

Solid colors

.bg-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

.bg-primary (#4d79f6)
.bg-secondary (#d9dbdc)
.bg-success (#1ecab8)
.bg-info (#9ba7ca)
.bg-warning (#f3c74d)
.bg-danger (#f1646c)
.bg-purple (#7551e9)
.bg-pink (#ff5da0)
.bg-cyan (#00cccc)
.bg-yellow (#ffe007)
.bg-brown (#8d6658)
.bg-dark (#4f4a60)
.bg-aqua (#58b294)
.bg-light-blue (#5bc8eb)
.bg-blue (#2b55cc)
.bg-green (#1ecab8)
Pale colors

.bg-pale-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

.bg-pale-primary (#c0cef5)
.bg-pale-secondary (#f7fafc)
.bg-pale-success (#c8e5e8)
.bg-pale-info (#dee2ef)
.bg-pale-warning (#fcf0e3)
.bg-pale-danger (#fce3e3)
.bg-pale-purple (#e4d2e4)
.bg-pale-pink (#fce3ec)
.bg-pale-cyan (#e3fafc)
.bg-pale-yellow (#fcf8e3)
.bg-pale-brown (#eddcd5)
.bg-pale-dark (#c8c8c8)
Other colors

Some other fade colors are available for background-color.


Border colors

.border-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Default color

Text colors

Text colors

.text-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a> element.

Hover colors

.hover-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a> element.